Strategy leading to sales

Starting from potential client to final deal, your client does business with you and purchases product or service from you, the most difficult thing in it is not your previous lead, and brand introduction, it’s the go for goal shot at the final purchase decision of your client. When he have paid to you in the last step, whether a payment by  credit card or other processor, it stands for a completion of your first cooperation between each other, it’s an overfly.

When your client obtain your information, forming the scene inside his mind, it is connected with his inner expectation and intended value. One more step forward he will purchase your product or service. The subsequent following up is after sales issues. In business, the most importance is how to reasonably and quickly convert the intentional client to deal client.

 The key strategy is to lower the first deal threshold, strengthen the trust and actively take necessary responsibility for your new client.

Lower threshold, undertake risk, build trust, it requires a great deal of work. The only purpose is to move forward on the relationship with your potential client, and become cooperation relationship.

       You can lower the threshold by new client super low discount, reducing profit, giving gifts, but also be aware of the channel of processing volume. Keep in mind the potential client you lead here belongs to your product or service prospective client. It is required proper investigation and analysis for channel choosing, instead of random choosing or do what others do.

 If you are an owner of haircut shop, who expects big volume in shop anniversary. But you lead many volume from group-buying. Then 80% volume from group-buying are basically useless, most of whom do not have the subsequent purchasing power. You should lower your threshold to attract the accurate customer group for additional orders.


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