Product exposure rate

Before you process your online transactions with your merchant credit card payment processor. B2B is a must known method of developing new clients for foreign trade business. If you are doing excellent job the orders are coming continuously, which for careless people you are gonna have to wait with no orders.  Then how to enhance the product exposure rate on B2B foreign trade platform before proceed to the next step: enquiry and making deal.

First, how to choose B2B platform:

If you have funds support from company, you are lucky. If no support, you will have to choose a free website. The things to be aware:

A.    Best situation is that the platform itself also is a foreign trade processing system.

B.    The second is well known and brand, so it has popularity in customer.

C.    Some free platform also is supported enquiry.

D.    High good comment rate and easy to operate. 

Second, what is the best time for upload and update product:

Different countries have time difference and different work-rest schedule. So if your product are aimed for one pointed market, you should get to know their time, then you know what is the best time for product publishing and updating.

Third, product key words and prescription:

Keyword must be required containing popularity. You can check by keyword testing tools or search by B2B platform, you check your competitor keywords setting as well. These are all good choices. However please note the popularity degree be not too high. If you are Vip users you will be ranked in the tops. Regarding prescription: it got to be a very detailed information and should be contained the keywords to make sure the keywords importance and profession. Then the ranking is likely to be in the top list. It also may be caught by search engine. 


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