Customer service of ecommerce shopping

Internet online shopping has been long widespread, in addition to multiple payment methods especially payment by credit card, which has generated a new occupation, online customer service, The ever-evolved internet demands higher and higher for the level and standard of the online shop customer service. It is no exaggeration to say, a good customer service can bring better sales rate from consulting. It is advised the online seller pay attention to their before sale services.

First let us check what the job in details for ecommerce shop customer service.

  1. Answering questions

  The main point is that customers have their different kinds of questions and issues, requests. Such as: product material, dispatch speed, shipping charge, ordering instruction etc.  It requires extreme patience for answering each one. 

2. Dealing bargain

This is the most frequent issues that customer would like to raise. The customer will try to bargain even if for just  10 cents. During the communication between customer and service staff, you should try to reduce the profit concessions and make the customer have a wonderful and pleasure shopping experience.

  3. Lead to sales

  Sale is an kind of art. Except the patience for answering questions, wisdom on the technique of replying, it still ask for an ability that the customer leave with satisfaction at 100 dollar order and when he was originally going for a 10 dollar order questions. This is so called sales state.

  4. Relationship maintain

  If you want to turn a customer to be your old customer. It is the best choice to be friends with your customer. In special day or promotion activity eve, say hi with the softest way or provide some benefit or discount. The relationship contained in a commercial environment would be a huge fortune.  

  5. Dealing with urgent issues  

  It occurs frequently for emergencies and urgent issues, such as old customer file complaint, big client request orders urgently, customer act arrogantly. How to deal with such above issues is a responsibility as customer service. 


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