Fragmentary time of shopping online

As an online store owner,  you have to be familiar with your customers’ time of surfing on the internet. It is normally expected at around 9 to 11am and 3 to 5pm, 8 to 11pm three golden period of a day.  For increasing merchant credit card processing volume, you are advised to use all other fragmentary time in a day expect the gold time. Such as, commuting on subway, waiting for the dish at dining room, half an hour before sleep. During these period which is not affordable for other things, we are used to picking  up phone and brush news or check online stores.  While how to attract the group prone to use the fragmentary time for shopping to come to your store.

If your store can be remembered by your customer and they cannot wait to shop at your store, you gotta do something to let customer feel that they can derive some benefit . From 7 to 9am, the online store can choose some high profit item or new item to post, and promote with discount with limited time. For example, if consumer buy during 7 to 9am, they can get discount and other gifts or benefit. To do this, you are advised to advertise ahead of day on some popular social media tools which has a lot of users and fans. Past your store link in the social media for the convenience of collecting for users. Meanwhile, you are supposed to consistent on doing this, therefore the seller are getting use to it so they can remember your store.

In  the weekends, most of buyers are likely to travel outside or rest at home, the time they spend on shopping online will be much less.  But the seller still can launch some entertained promotion such as sending shopping scores and prize draw to enhance the customer for purchasing.  


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