Cross border ecommerce export

It is not an accomplish at one stroke to build an export brand welcomed by overseas consumer rely on third party payment ecommerce platform. Somehow enterprise should accumulate one step by one on supply chain, intelligence and service system.

There are two main aspects for concerns during preparing self-run brand:                   

First, the brands sales in market are various, which is easy to cause price competition. Second, may cross-border third party payment ecommerce platform event only allows brand participating. If seller seek for advanced development, private brand is an urgent need.


“There are not concept of studiously working on brand making, ultimately it is concluded as product bring along the brand. As a matter of fact, the expense is devoted on product developing.”, quoted on an overseas export enterprise CEO, who pointed out that based on the existed products, which as an core and basement the brand is attached on as well as customer satisfaction. It contains after customer purchased product, if seller’s after sale service and pre-sale service satisfy the customer. During the whole processing, the logo attached on the product has gradually formed a brand. Client has their steelyard of estimation inside for the product. And it’s a natural process for working around product.   

There are three elements for managing product. First: receiving product reviews and comments. To understand your own product feature thoroughly, including its advantage and disadvantage. If you found the negative comments against your product, try to search the root. In that case, the product being updated and advanced. Second: self design. It is believed that product not based on self design has no added value and premium.  Build product with your own proprietary intellectual property right, to head forward an differentiating direction. Third: handling supply chain. To catch the supplement resource is to avoid products with flaw or bad quality issue which may lead to after sale problems, consequently cause bad comments.


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