Retail in internet plus age

Retail is facing commercial age transformation, along with the effect of consuming upgrade, internet plus and big data. The third party payment connected under the ecommerce growing, is being an aid and dependent elements of its own in the age. Supply side and requirement innovation development is still not to be neglected.

Consequently, the commercial structure is on the threshold of tremendous change under the huge reform.

Internet plus. Nowadays,  consuming scene based on “internet plus” is occurring profound reform. In traditional retail age, the consumption scene is offline physical store. In ecommerce age, the consumption is online trading platform. In internet plus age, it’s offline and online cross fusion, under which the boundaries between  physical and ecommerce is being put an end.

Big Data. With the deep anatomizing of IT and industry, economy and society at new round, the big data is becoming strategic resource for society development day by day.  Big Data is creating values by data integration, analysis and deeply excavation, further more to build seamless connection between physical world and digital world, internet world.

Each new sign of the times, will definitely pound the current commerce structure. Retail, as an important industry for connecting production and consuming. It closely related with civil life,  holding the final line of merchandise circulation. It is bound to reflect stronger at times trend touching. 

For traditional retail, merchandise passed from merchant to consumer through three links: logistic supply chain, stock management, emission region. No matter at department store, super market or ecommerce, it is required to guarantee the merchandise circulation consumption, and it relies on completed and perfect logistic supply chain.  While in new retail, product transmission link will be expanded at new  dimension, to which is all circulation transmission. It will present stock and shop unify pattern.  


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