Product photo on the website

Foreign trading merchant’s overseas website is the representative of their store. It is very important to run the trading website with stable internet server and with periodically maintaining. For most of the ecommerce foreign trading merchants, online store is the easiest way to enable customer review instantly and get to know the store.  Visa and mater, amex card is the most commonly used credit card type from overseas customers. So it also involves merchant credit card processing system. In all, online transaction relates to third party and customer side, and merchant’s own system.

For many merchants, in order to attract the online customers, your product picture on the website is very important. The clear, high pixel photo of the product probably decide if the speed of customer ordering. If you don’t have photo experience by yourself, you can refer to the following experience about their taking pictures of product.

For home furnishing products which are all small items. You can take them to photo studio. The advantage is that you can photo at every direction for very details of the product and you can also modify and correct if it does not satisfy you. And in the photo studio, it can be posted on to computer instantly and added with computer special effect if you need.

It is always right to check and learn the product before you photo it. Different products are told by their details. If you get the point, you will save yourself a lot of time. And it is also recommended to take a record after each photo being done. And list the product picture by their category so you don’t mess them up and spending a lot of time separating them.


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