Website check and maintain

The online store is carried out by website. The website is very important for the online store owner. So a website is needed to be maintained and checked periodically to make the smooth operation. How to examine a website’s “health” for an online seller.

First, website headline and key words. We know some website is configured with third party to accept payment by credit card. While not every website is equipped with checkout page. But website is taken online for an purpose. The position  for a website, for example, key words page rank, is something we need to communicate with the browser. The website position works through headline. So we need to add the keywords into the website headlines.

Second, website keywords  layout checking. For many enterprise type website, they will setup several categories or subject related parts. And add the keywords which is relevant with the website theme. However, except for the homepage keywords, the keywords for website inner pages are also very important.

Third, website structure. The most important point for browser is a website user experience. On user’s point of view, we should enable our user find what they like by clicking three times at homepage. In additional, we can work at our website coding. Precisely, div+css layout is much more user friendly. So we can work on details of the website structure.

Fourth, website 404. The 404 page is designed for the lost online user to quickly find a entrance. When our website has linked an error page, we better to decorate the 404 error page. We can add some good looking images into the page and add lines we want to show to our user.

In all, we can find a lot of methods to test and maintain our website. 


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