Package stages for customer experience

To provide good customer experience, there are following points for ecommerce merchant to refer.

Make good use of your shipment package to convey your online store professional and reliable figure, bringing customer a surprising shopping experience.

When customer have purchased, they will have an expectation for the chosen product. Therefore it is a very touching moment in the delivery package stage. What standard excellent online store presents the shipment package. Let’s take a look.

1 Upon receiving the package, take a look at the outer packing. The packing box and adhesive tape have united logo and sealing date. It is a chance to advertise your store logo.

2 Opening the package which is filled with lots of stuff. A customer may only bought a bottle of cream, but with a lot of gifts packed in it. At that moment, the customer may be attracted by the stuff as gifts. Till this step, the customer has already felt good about it.

3 Next to it is checking the other things in the package. The order receipt showed not only a billing paper but also a designed piece express the store’s idea.

4 The last layer in the package can be a mouse pad. The customer may think it’s a mouse pad, but when bring it up, there are three gifts dropped from it. The mouse pad can use in a long time. Few customer will not be touched by such a package. While for seller, the cost of it is less than 2 dollars. If a web store can attract customer by the package for return purchase, it is much more valuable than other methods.

In the package stage, except for the package inside content, the seller also need to handle the shipment delivery time. Shipping issue may cause customer complaint, and the customer used credit card payment may directly file a dispute to the card issuer. You cannot let the customer wait for the package too long. Send a text reminder by phone and notice regarding abnormal situation may occur in the shipping procedure.  


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