Bank mobile pay

"Can I pay by Alipay or wechat?" "No, only octopus card or cash." One year ago, conversations as above happens a lot in HK. but now, more and more Hong Kong merchants are keen to encourage their customers to use mobile payment.

As we all know mobile pay is to trade products or services upon mobile terminal device, and achieve the commerce activity by internet. The mobile pay has provided a more convenient channel for the consumers in addition to payment by credit card.

There is a payment way which belongs to mobile pay but goes against consuming habit. It is to present the QR code for payment. The union pay has utilized the commercial banks QR code standard, so every mobile banking supported. But the problems come along, every few minutes later you have to re-login.

So to gain the market, still the user experiences are one of the most important things.Now Wechat and Alipay are the winners, but outside mainland China, they have to consider the localization.


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1-800429-5708 service.globalwisepay