Customer service for merchant

        Online vendor’s customer service is very important in preventing transaction dispute and chargeback. The third party payment may provide limited customer service assist. Customer seldom directly contact the payment provider for issues occurring in relation with the transaction, merchandise. In some cases, the customer receive the third party payment order confirmation email, and the customer has question, he may reply back the email with the questions. The third party can forward the email to merchant immediately, letting merchant handle the customer issue. Or the question is just very simple such as checking in system for some fixed information, then the customer service in the payment gateway can directly reply customer without contacting merchant.

       If the customer emails the third party payment processor with questions that needed the merchant to reply and solve, the processor generally requires response within 48 hours  from merchant to confirm the customer being contacted and taken care of. The customer will be replied with confirmation  of the issue has been recorded and will be processed within 48 hours. After the merchant contact the customer the issue normally can be closed. In some cases that the negotiation could not be going well between the two sides, the merchant is recommended to solve the issue to avoid further complaint that may affect the account stability. But if the customer tries to fraud the merchant on purpose. There are a series of procedure require customer to provider evidence as to prove what he asked is authentic. The issues in customer service are processed in accordance with the regulation and policy with bank and credit card company.


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1-800429-5708 service.globalwisepay