SOHO business

The biggest problem for SOHO group is client and supplier. In regards to client, what we most would like to see is someone who just starting SOHO  business is able to obtain a quite number of stable clients and got stable third party payment. The inborn advantages are no doubt benefit a lot for SOHO. However for the rest of us in ordinary natural disposition, we got nothing in the first place. While in the fast growing internet era, we have lot of existed resources at hand, such as: search engine, all sorts of BBS and free B2B , B2C websites. Now that we have these wonderful platforms, why don’t we try our best to search online. As to the ways of finding and developing clients. The basic instruction have been shared pretty much already. As a matter of fact, it’s not that you can’t find clients, it’s up to how diligent you are, plus some lucky. After several experiences searching clients by google, I have obtained decades of clients. Let us put the client quality aside now. My friends are all without any resources no client and no platform, it’s very tough in the beginning, but they all stick to it and have gone through the first step.  I think it’s necessary for ourselves to reflect what we have missed and which parts needed more working and time. Some people they can send over thousands developing emails in one year. But how much have we done.

Regarding the suppler, it’s true that this is out of our control. We are afraid it’s not easy to find one, in the mean time we worry to be scammed which cost the commission and get our client into trouble. One good method is to find a reliable supplier and open up an offshore account. Also the you need to be familiar with your product, therefore you can not be swindled on price quote and material issues. 


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1-800429-5708 service.globalwisepay